+6421757269 michael@bml.net.nz

This client testimony is to showcase the difficulties home buyers have during this market. However, with the right team and perseverance, Glen was able to purchase his home and yes, I did make his mortgage journey easy.

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Michael Anastasiadis ā€“ Mortgage Broker Wellington

FULL Transcript of the conversation here:

Michael Anastasiadis:

Okay, good afternoon, everybody. It’s Michael Anastasiadis from Bozinoff Mortgages.

Glen McCloy:

Glen McCloy here, not from Bozinoff Mortgages and not a mortgage adviser.

Michael Anastasiadis:

And not making mortgages easy.

Glen McCloy:

Mortgages certainly aren’t easy.

Michael Anastasiadis:

No, they’re not. So, this is my good buddy here, Glen McCloy, and I helped him get a mortgage last year, and we were just having lunch, just catching up, and we were talking about his journey and I thought, actually, Glen, you’ve got some good tips this year because when did I get you first pre approved? Was it the beginning of last year?

Glen McCloy:

It was, yeah, the beginning of last year, pre lockdown.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Pre level four lockdown.

Glen McCloy:


Michael Anastasiadis:

And that’s after lockdown you started seriously looking for your new place.

Glen McCloy:

Started looking, yep, so the place I was in sold and then it was about looking for somewhere else, and then that didn’t really eventuate until December, so it was a long old journey.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Yeah, so it took you a while. So, a lot of people come to me, and at the moment, people are feeling disillusioned with the market, they’re feeling priced out of the market. All attributes, I suppose, feelings you can associate with, right?

Glen McCloy:

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, I didn’t think it was going to happen, I don’t know how many open homes I went to, far too many. Don’t know how many times I went in and thought I’d been completely priced out, when I look back on it. But I think the big learning for me is you just don’t know the circumstances around the sale or you don’t know the circumstances around the competition.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

So you’ve got to keep going.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Yeah, and your goal was you wanted to buy a new house.

Glen McCloy:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Michael Anastasiadis:

You just wanted to buy a new house.

Glen McCloy:

Yep, and I knew, I had in my mind, where I wanted to be.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

And what I was going to negotiate on and what I wasn’t. And I suppose in the end, I stuck to my guns of what I wanted.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

And what my needs were, and it just so happened, it turned out, the stars aligned and that house came along.

Michael Anastasiadis:

And I know there were times where you got frustrated with me.

Glen McCloy:

Yeah, yeah.

Michael Anastasiadis:

And hi to everyone watching by the way, because during that time, guys, it was nearly about a year, because I got your pre approval. We had to extend your pre approval, the bank wanted to know additional information, so I know it was frustrating for you at parts, but I keep saying just stick at it.

Glen McCloy:

Yeah, absolutely, and it is frustrating and it’s disappointing when you know it’s not working for you and you’re getting turned down. But, yeah, absolutely. I mean, that was the good thing, I guess it was two things, one with you was that when I think about it, when I first went into it, I thought, “I know, I’ve bought a house before”, albeit a long time ago, “I know the market, I know the process.” But I don’t, right? And so you know the up to date, you know the market, you know what people need to do to be successful, so as much as you are asking me for stuff and as much as we wouldn’t be standing here today because I had enough of you, it was the right thing to do. So follow the advice of Michael for sure.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Yeah, no, thanks buddy. And hi to everyone watching, by the way, thank you for your likes. Look, do me a favor, if you’re finding this content today useful, because there’s a lot of people that have missed out on properties, press that share button, press that like button, because it’s stories like this guy here that’ll help give encouragement and motivation to others not to give up, because you just don’t know what’s around the corner.

Glen McCloy:


Michael Anastasiadis:

And with your one in the end, when we found the property, or when you found it, we knew exactly what we needed to do to pounce.

Glen McCloy:

Yeah, absolutely. Yep, and it’s not often that I’ll quote Jacinda, but in this circumstance it was about going early, right?

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

So, if anything good came out of this COVID, it was that message, what is it? “Go hard, go early”? She doesn’t.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

Does she say, “Go hard, go early”?

Michael Anastasiadis:

“Go hard, go early.”

Glen McCloy:

Yeah, so I went hard, went early.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

Well, early. Maybe more early than hard.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Yeah, so what happens is, by that stage, guys, you get to know what’s happening with the market, with the properties you were looking at, with the real estate agents helping you. So you had a good team around you.

Glen McCloy:


Michael Anastasiadis:

And you knew what you needed and what you wanted, so that was really good. Any closing words?

Glen McCloy:

Well, that good team was you, right? It was a [inaudible 00:04:13].

Michael Anastasiadis:

Well, you had your solicitor.

Glen McCloy:

Yeah but, you know, they’re on the bench, mate. You’re the team.

Michael Anastasiadis:


Glen McCloy:

You were the A team on it.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Thank you, mate, cheers.

Glen McCloy:

So, yeah. No, because it’s encouragement, right? As much as your knowledge, your technical knowledge about the process and the market, it was just the encouragement from you to keep going that really helped.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Yeah, and don’t give up, guys.

Glen McCloy:

Don’t give up. Don’t give up.

Michael Anastasiadis:

Just don’t give up. And like I was saying, don’t look backwards, just keep going forwards. If you look backwards, you fall over.

Glen McCloy:

That’s right.

Michael Anastasiadis:

But just keep going forwards, so, look, I want to say, Glen, thank you for your time, mate.

Glen McCloy:

Thank you, mate.

Michael Anastasiadis:

I know it’s hard for people to come on camera and do these things, but Glen’s got a really good story to hear, to share, and it just helps for other people to hear that. So, thanks again..

Glen McCloy:

Thank you, mate.

Michael Anastasiadis:

So there we are, guys, thanks, Rory, good to see everyone. Thanks for your comments, and, look, share this content guys, Glen doesn’t mind, I don’t mind.

Glen McCloy:


Michael Anastasiadis:

The more people can have confidence in these times of uncertainty, the better it is for all of us. Right, guys, that’s us signing off.